Glass Material Recovery Facilities In Germany

German glass material recovery facilities directory - showing MRFs companies in Germany that receive, separate and prepare recyclable glass materials.

Company Name Collection Services Materials Processed (tons/year)
Koppitz Entsorgungs-GmbH Bayern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Korn Recycling GmbH Baden-Württemberg Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Kraus Recycling & Entsorgung GmbH Bayern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
KreisAbfallVerwertungsGesellschaft mbH Minden-Lübbecke Nordrhein-Westfalen Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal
Kremer GmbH Sachsen-Anhalt Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Kremer Landtechnik GmbH Nordrhein-Westfalen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Krumtünger Entsorgung GmbH Nordrhein-Westfalen Residential Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Kunz Rohstoffhandel GmbH Bayern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Kurz Entsorgung GmbH Baden-Württemberg Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Kurz Recycling GmbH Baden-Württemberg Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
KWR Wertstoffe und Recycling GmbH Rheinland-Pfalz Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Organic Yes
Landkreisbetriebe Neuburg-Schrobenhausen Bayern Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Leitl GmbH Bayern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Linke GmbH & Co. KG Nordrhein-Westfalen Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Loacker Recycling GmbH Donauwörth Bayern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Lobbe Holding GmbH & Co KG Nordrhein-Westfalen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Logermann Entsorgungsgesellschaft mbH Nordrhein-Westfalen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Ludwig Kreiling GmbH & Co. KG Hessen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
M-Cycle Niedersachsen Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
M+P Umweltdienste GmbH Nordrhein-Westfalen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Manfred Meyer GmbH & Co. KG Nordrhein-Westfalen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Manfred Woitzel GmbH & Co. KG Nordrhein-Westfalen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Michael Oblinger Recycling GmbH & Co. KG Bayern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Mittelbadische Entsorgungs- und Recyclingbetriebe GmbH Baden-Württemberg Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
MKW GmbH & Co. KG Niedersachsen Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Nehlsen Cohrs GmbH Niedersachsen Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Oehle Rohstoffverwertung GmbH Baden-Württemberg Industrial Glass, Metal Yes 36,000
Orth Recycling GmbH Baden-Württemberg Paper, Glass, Organic Yes
Osnabrücker Abfallwirtschaftsgesellschaft mbH Niedersachsen Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
P.Schulz + Co. OHG Niedersachsen Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Paul GmbH Entsorgungsfachbetrieb Nordrhein-Westfalen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Philippen Entsorgung GmbH Nordrhein-Westfalen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
RAD-Recyclinghof GmbH Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Recycling Anlage Fockbek GmbH Schleswig-Holstein Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Recycling und Baustoffe Hellerwald GmbH Rheinland-Pfalz Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Recyclinghof Farsleben GmbH Sachsen-Anhalt Commercial Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Remondis Emsdetten GmbH Nordrhein-Westfalen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Remondis SE & Co. KG Nordrhein-Westfalen Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Remondis Seenplatte GmbH Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Remondis Vorpommern Greifswald GmbH Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Rhein-Lahn-Kreis Abfallwirtschaft Rheinland-Pfalz Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Richter Recycling GmbH Brandenburg Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes 65,000
RL Recycling Saarland Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
RTK-Karlsruhe GmbH Baden-Württemberg Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Rückert GmbH Baden-Württemberg Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Rudolf Fritsche GmbH Bayern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
RZW Recycling Zentrum Wiesental GmbH Baden-Württemberg Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal
Schmalkalden Stadtreinigung GmbH Thüringen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Schmidt & Wagner Entsorgungs- und Recycling GmbH Bayern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Schmitt Recycling & Entsorgung GmbH & Co. KG Hessen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Schneemann Recycling GmbH Niedersachsen Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Schönmackers Umweltdienste GmbH & Co. KG Nordrhein-Westfalen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Schrott- und Metallhandel M. Kaatsch GmbH Baden-Württemberg Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Schuler Rohstoff GmbH Baden-Württemberg Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes 280,000
Schweriner Abfallentsorgungs- und Straßenreinigungsgesellschaft mbH Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Sero GmbH Sachsen-Anhalt Residential, Commercial Plastic, Glass, Metal Yes
Springer & Sohn GmbH & Co. KG Niedersachsen Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Stäblein GmbH Bayern Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Stadtentsorgung Potsdam GmbH Brandenburg Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Stadtwerke Rosenheim GmbH & Co. KG Bayern Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Stenau Entsorgungs- Kreiswirtschaft GmbH & Co. KG Nordrhein-Westfalen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Stern Entsorgung- und Brennstoffhandel GmbH Bayern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Strobl GmbH Bayern Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Struck Recycling-Hof OHG Niedersachsen Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Süd-Müll GmbH & Co. KG Rheinland-Pfalz Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
SWN Stadtwerke Neumünster GmbH Schleswig-Holstein Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
SWT Schrott-, Wertstoffhandel und Transport GmbH Thüringen Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Thüringen Recycling GmbH Thüringen Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Trapper GmbH Bayern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Uniroh GmbH Hessen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Wagner GmbH Brennstoffe-Cotainerdienst-Recycling Rheinland-Pfalz Residential, Commercial, Industrial Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
WEAG GmbH & Co. KG Baden-Württemberg Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal 45,000
Wertstoffaufbereitung GmbH Edersleben Sachsen-Anhalt Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Wertstoffhandel Scharschuch Sachsen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
WERTZ Schrott- und Metallhandel Düren GmbH & Co. KG Nordrhein-Westfalen Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Wittmann Entsorgungswirtschaft GmbH Bayern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
WRZ Hörger GmbH & Co. KG Baden-Württemberg Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Organic Yes
Wüppenhorst Entsorgungsbetriebe GmbH Nordrhein-Westfalen Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal, Organic Yes
Würzburger Recycling GmbH Bayern Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes 70,000
Zeller Recycling GmbH Rheinland-Pfalz Residential, Commercial, Industrial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes
Zweckverband für Abfallwirtschaft Kempten Bayern Residential, Commercial Plastic, Paper, Glass, Metal Yes